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BBC Point News Update;

The federal prosecution has accused of terrorism against Uzbek immigrants, accused of killing eight people by attacking a truck in New York City.
Seventy-year-old Saifolo Syypo was shot by police in a stomach.
They include allegations of material assistance to a terrorist group and damaging motor vehicles. Now, they do not know when they will be brought to court for the first innings.
Seafollo Sipopo allegedly took a truck, and climbed on a bicycle ride in the old man's main area on Tuesday, which was filled with cyclists and pedestrians. The truck hit a school bus and landed down by Seafolo Cyypo truck, which was badly damaged. He was laying a knife and a 'paint hair' gun, when a New York police officer shot and injured him.
Investigators have questioned Safefly cyclone at the hospital's bedroom. He says that he had planned a plan for several weeks. He says Saifolo Cyypo did as a proxy killer up to 20 blocks, and he prides on himself.
ISI has persuaded its followers to do the same as Saiflu Syypo is accused of using cars and trucks as weapons, drive in walking areas, so that more and more people can be killed. .
New York's Deputy Police Commissioner Jan Miller told reporters that the paper has been exported from Saullo-Sipo to the scene.
Miller said "These notes are their own and are in Arabic. It has symbols and words. But, the essence of writing is that ISIS will be established and it will be ".
Authorities have found SafeLinko with some accounts of social media that contain anti-spam content. Until now, ISIS did not accept responsibility for the attack.
New York mayor, Bill de Bluesev, said that this attack is "a definition of terrorism." It was against our values ​​".
He said that at present the city is not entitled to "any extra" or "helpless" type of threats, and urged the New York citizens to "be strong, demonstrate pride and work with strength." Tell the whole world that we are not afraid of terrorism. "
The New York Governor, Indo-Kyomo, described Saifolo Syypo as "extremely bold", and before 'CNN' he said "he was" inclined to enter into extremism ".
Uzbek President Shaukat Marzeyev said on Wednesday that this attack was "serious and cruel, and that his government is ready to bring all the resources to help investigate.
The New York's Department of Police has said that it will increase the number of personnel employed throughout the city, "as it is necessary to stay extremely high".

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