BBC Point News Update:
US President Donald Trump said since his former colleague
Steve Bennon has been released from the White House job, since his brain has
President Trumpp's statement about his former close
associate, when described in Steve Bennon's new book by journalist Michael
Wolf, said that President Trump's son meets Russian officials in the
'treacherous' category. Is.
During the meeting in June 2016, Russian officials
offered to provide information against the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton
in the US election to Donald Trump Junior.
Steve Bennon said in reference to the ongoing ongoing
investigations in the US election from journalist Michael Wolfov: "They
will break Donald Junior like the egg on the national TV."
President Trumpp said in his statement: 'Steve Bennon has
nothing to do with me and my presidency. Ever since she has been fired from her
job, her mind has become worse. '
He added: 'Steve started working with me when I became a
candidate for presidential election. And now Steve is alone and he is feeling
it's not as easy as I get to win. Steve did not play a special role in my
President Trumpp's former Chief Steve Steven Bennen was
considered as an important figure in his election campaign and then White
House, and he helped to make President Trump's 'America's first ever' campaign.
After being fired from August in August, he was headed by
Bright Bar News, right-handed news website, and said he would help 'out of the
administration' of President Trump.
President Trumpp also talked to Steve Bannon on Dec 13,
on which day the elections were held in the Alabama state, where Republican
candidate Roy Moore was defeated.
Emails show that President Trump's son had agreed to meet
the Russian authorities in June 2016 if he was given material against Hillary
In this meeting, besides Donald Junior, Paul Trungfurt,
President Trum's son-in-law and close-up companion, Jared Kushner, and
President Trumpp's election campaign.
Steve Bennon told Michael Wolf that 'these three should
have called the FBI after the meeting.'
It is clear that the US Senate, the House of
Representatives and the Special Council are investigating the alleged Russian
intervention in all three US elections, which Russia and President Trump have
already rejected.
White House spokesman Sarah Senders answered the question
about this book, saying, 'It is based on lies and is filled with the statements
of people who have no effect on the White House.'
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