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BBC Point News Updates: Authorities in Iran have temporarily banned these social media networks, which were being used by demonstrators in the three-day anti-government protest.
Officials told the official news agency Eric told the temporary access to the Message Access app Telegram and the Photo Sharing app installation program, for the establishment of 'peace and security in the society'.

On the other hand, the powerful military forces, the Guardar Revolution, warned the people of anti-government demonstrations that the political instability in the country will be 'strictly dealt with' protesters.

Authorities have confirmed that two people have been killed as a result of the demonstrations, but officials say the security forces were not fired at any. They have accused him of minority Muslim extremist Sunnis and also said that external forces are involved in it.

According to the correspondent, the point of view for external secret agencies is to refer to Saudi Arabia.

Tel Duro, CEO of Telegram, wrote in his tweet that the move was taken when his company refused to close the messaging app, which was peaceful.

It is believed that three days ago Iran was protesting against low quality life, but the head of the Revolutionary Revolution says that now there are political slogans in these protests and government property is being harmed.

The protests against people's falling living standards and corruption in Iran are the biggest public protests since the 2009 rally in favor of reforms.

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